Friday, May 30, 2008

It's Friday!

My husband has the day off today to work on his '74 Toyota Land Cruiser restoration project.  10 more days to go and it has to be running to make it to the auto shippers to arrive in New Jersey.  He is waiting for a part to come in today.

Not sure what I will do today.  It is already late in the morning.  I made pancakes for breakfast and started the dishwasher.  I need to make a grocery list, trying to incorporate the things in the cupboards that need to be eaten.

We are probably going to have company Sunday afternoon for lunch after church.  My husband invited another officer to perform his swearing in ceremony on Sunday.  I'll try to take a couple pictures.  My husband requested it be totally informal.

Have a great day!



  1. Sounds like a great Friday.  I wanted pancakes sooo bad first thing this morning but was lazy and never got around to making them.  But, I did have a Mandarin Chicken Salad from Wendy's for lunch and that totally made up for it. 

  2. Good morning. Just checking to see if this will accept my posting. It sounds like pancakes was a great way to start the day, yesterday. I've been wanting pancakes, too. Maybe, today I'll make some for me and Joel.How I wish we could be there for Stacey's swearing in. Formal or not, we'd be so proud of him. Yes, do get some pictures and post them to the other sites, too. I hope the part comes in, so he can finish the Toyota. That's been quite a project!Eli (is it Eli or Elli?), it's good to see you. You are as pretty as ever. I still have trouble realizing that you are a grown woman, with a family of your own. Beth has kept me updated on your life. The boys are darling. BTW - Wendy's Mandarin Chicken Salad is my favorite fast food salad, too!Hugs to you both!

  3. Enjoy alaska's fresh air while you can!! I miss the air over there.
