Monday, September 19, 2016

A Great Hero of the Faith

It was an exciting couple of days for myself and my student.  

Patch the Pirate came to town.  He is scheduled for several services at a church we used to attend.  Last night we took our Pastor's children and our student to see him sing and preach.

This morning the Christian School of that church held chapel services and invited the home schoolers to attend as well.  I jumped right on that wagon.  I don't often go on field trips with home school group.  In fact the last field trip I attended with them was in the fall of 2012.  WOW.

I titled this a Great Hero of the Faith.  He is one of my great hero's and that of both my sons as well.  He doesn't make millions of dollars throwing a football while refusing to honor the Flag and the National Anthem.  He doesn't make millions of dollars acting in super hero movies that are totally inappropriate for anyone to see, much less the children who are fans of such a super hero.

He is a man who has personal struggles such as cancer and the death of a child from suicide.  He has continued, throughout his life, to remain serving God and giving praise to him.  

He is a man I am honored to have met.

He is a man I am honored to share a love of music with by singing his songs.

He is a man I am honored to make a hero  for my children and my grandchildren.
It was a blessing seeing you today Patch the Pirate.  May God continue to use you and your life for his glory!


  1. He's really tall! What a great thing that you guys got to meet him. I do love his music. And what a testimony!!

    BTW: Sully!! Is his voice deeper too?

  2. I am still very happy I got to meet Patch the pirate! A once in a lifetime opprotunity for sure. Sully's voice is changing everyday. He came home from Missouri sounding different. We sang on Sunday, even though he tried, I don't think he hit one right note in his solo part :-) And this picture is deceiving, the floor of this room is sloped. Sully was trying to stand in front of me and I am trying to push him away. Sully is just barely taller than me. Patch isn't as tall as I thought he would be. BTW the day we went to Barnes and Noble Sully got new clothes. Four new pairs of pants size 30X32 and a pair of church shoes size 10 1/2 mens!
