Thursday, December 11, 2008

Playing Dress Up


We went to visit our friends yesterday.  My #2 son enjoys playtime with 'friends' very much.  Sienna's mamma Allison and I were enjoying tea in the kitchen when our little blessings came upstairs 'dressed' to play kitchen with thier kitchen toys.

dress up 08 002

dress up 08 001

dress up 08 005



  1. Oh these pictures WILL haunt him.  The second picture is ok cause he still looks kind of macho despite the heels but the last one just cannot be denied.  I'm sure his daddy is proud.  ; )

  2. I love it. As long as you are secure in your manhood, who cares. My girls still threaten Andrew with pictures of him in a tutu. Sully is such a cutie.
