Hello Friends,
Just wanted to make a quick post with an update on us. We had a busy week last week with all the goings on with our church youth conference. I am guessing we had over 6 different churches represented and about 360+ folks in attendance. We were bursting at the seams! The preaching was great and the children were wonderful as well.
((Yep blurry...))
I've made a meal for someone who had surgery and delivered it on Saturday.((beef tips with egg noodles, green beans, fruit salad and rocky road brownies.)) I am doing another meal for someone else today.((Hawaiian chicken, rice pilaf, broccoli and chocolate Sunday cake)) There sure have been lots of surgeries at church the last few days!
Things should slow down a bit this week. #1 son takes his drivers licence exam at 10:00 a.m. Thursday. If your remember, please pray that he passes the test! We'd love for him to have a bit more independence! We're dog-sitting this weekend. Can't wait to post pictures. I guess it is a pretty big dog, 80 pounds of Chocolate lab. I hear she likes to play, Banjo should have great fun! My manly man is off work until Saturday, trying to burn up some time off before he looses days come October 1st!
Monday- Waffles, link sausages, eggs to order, hashbrowns
Tuesday- Meatloaf, scalloped potatoes, veggie
Wednesday- Clam Chowder, Sourdough rolls, green salad
Thursday- General Tso Chicken, Rice, stir fried green beans
Friday- Fish and chips, corn salad
Saturday- hotdogs, baked beans, oriental cabbage salad
Sunday- undecided
Have a great week friends!