Monday, July 7, 2008

Day 8


Tonight we are in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.  We traveled about 350 miles today.  Yesterday we averaged about 25 M.P.G.  Tomorrow we cross the border and start our travel in the lower 48 heading to Colorado.  We ate a good dinner tonight, Mongolian grill.  The temperature is about 75 degrees and humid.  The forecast is for chance of thunder showers tonight, I'd like that.


Below is the railroad bridge in Lethbridge.  This is an historic sight of a past settlement.  After repeated flooding the townsfolk decided it wasn't a good spot and move to the top of the canyon.  There was also a Native American fight just down the river from here.

AlCan6 001

A different kind of milkweed from what we had in Wisconsin.  The blooms are very sweet smelling.

AlCan6 003

The underside of the bridge.

AlCan6 007

This beautiful butterfly is not on one of the milkweed plants.

AlCan6 011

This may seem like a strange picture, Robins.  Everyone sees them.  Not so.  There are no Robins where we lived in Alaska.  All of the Robins I saw today must have been very happy, they were singing loudly.

AlCan6 009





1 comment:

  1. Good morning! You are right, every day is a gift from God!!!Thank you for the Baptism photos. We are hoping for a few more to come soon. Our baby Christian son should be back Friday, he will sure miss your #1 son. More later, waiting for the 0400 marine forecast to get posted (it is 0451 now)
