Friday, May 8, 2009

Friday Flashback



This is one of our favorite campsites in the world!  Not even sure if even exists anymore.  This is the Vernonia Airpark Campground in Vernonia, Oregon.  This campground sits right by the Vernonia river.  The airstrip and airplanes were just a quick walk away.  By the time we left Oregon in 2000, they had started to make great improvements to this campground and it was becoming more popular.  Many times we would go and we'd be the only ones there!  We loved this place.



Ahh...another one of my favorite things, camping!




  1. Looks like a great spot!   We're trying to plan some camping trips for the summer--I'd love to go to Oregon!!

  2. @jessnboyz - Do you still have your trailer?

  3. Only camping I ever did was with our friends in their RV, (hardly roughing it) when we did the 450 mile yard sale.      Linda

  4. @betheelou - yes, we still have it.  We're getting the "itch" to start traveling again.  We were so tired after last summer's move that we cleaned up the trailer and put it in storage.  We're thinking about visiting his brother in San Diego or heading up to northern CA and Oregon.

  5. We haven't been camping in Vernonia in years, but I remember having a great time the last time we did. Love the pic of Aaron in the tree cute!!!

  6. I remember this spot well.  Camping with you was always a joy.  I loved sitting around the campfire in the evening with the hymnbook open and singing just as loud as we wanted.  And your oldest son waking me up in the morning, "It's mornin' time!" even if it was just barely dawn.  Thank you for inviting me along.

  7. I love your Friday Flashbacks; they are so much fun. We are going fake camping next month cabin) and I am getting excited!

  8. This may sound like a weird that your ford ranger?

  9. Yes that was our baby.  It was a 1970 Ford F100.  It had a great camping canopy on the back that had a bed or picnic table in it.  We LOVED this truck.

  10. @thecopswife - That is what I'd like to be doing right now!  Have you ever been cabin camping before?

  11. @betheelou - We used to camp as kids, mostly tents, but my aunt has a cabin we've stayed in a few times. Hubby's family never went camping so this is a first for us.
