Monday, May 4, 2009

Truth or Lie


Have you been to check out my friend Lindsay's blog?  You should head over there and check it out.  Lindsay is a great writer and I often chuckle at her posts. I am taking part in her Truth or Lies challenge.  I am changing mine a bit.  I wont be giving away a prize at the end! 

 Five are true and five are not. Please make a guess-whether you know me or not!   Oh... this is also a challenge to get you all to write your own truths and lies. You can do as many or as few as you want. It's fun! Let me know if you do your own; I'll link to you.  I'll post my answers on Saturday, May 9th.

  1. I once had a job where I worked for room and board.
  2. I have a small tatoo.
  3. I have never been cited for a 'moving violation' or a 'parking violation.'
  4. I have had an unusual piercing.
  5. I am an expert knitter.
  6. I once won an award for displaying good conduct.
  7. I have severe Arachnophobia reactions that make me sweat and feel faint.
  8. I have always been a bit rebellious.
  9. I have collected ALL of Barry Manilow's recordings!
  10. I have a concealed weapons permit.



Do you think you know me?  Please leave comments on this post.  I'll post on Saturday with the correct answers!






  1. Hummm...i'm sure I don't know you that well...but i'll guess 1,5,7,9,10 are true?????Have a blessed day...btw/when will you reveal the answers?Linda

  2. @Mymanyblessings - Thanks for playing.  I'll post answers on Saturday!

  3. As your sister I would like to think I know every single truth and every single lie.  Unfortunately I'm just not that cool.  So, I'll attempt my best guesses just like everyone else.Truths: 1,3,6,7,8Lies: 2,4,5,9,10

  4. Ok, here goes.Truth--1,3,6,8,9Lies--2,4,5,7,10

  5. Okay, I can't wait to see your answers!!!True:  1, 3, 5, 6, 9False: 2, 4, 7, 8, 10

  6. hhmmm, these are good, but have no clue. I would say the last 3 are. Maybe!

  7. Ok, here I go......True 1,3,8,9,10False 2,4,5,6,7Please tell me I'm right! :)

  8. Okay...I think 1,2,5,6,7 are true

  9. Oh my - I have really enjoyed learning to know you......but now I realize I really don't know you!  But I'll take some huge guesses -  I went back to look at your photo a couple times    do I see any rebellious "lines?!"  I only read this Friday evening the 8th so I'm getting my vote in at the last goes -Truths -  1, 3, 5, 6, 9
