Friday, May 1, 2009



Doing one of my favorite things in one of my favorite places.

January 2006







  1. Looks exciting but I never have wanted to go to California, don't know why though.  The scenery is gorgeous.             Linda

  2. @oldfatgramma - That is #2 son at about 2 years old.  He loved going with us.  Daddy would let him ride in front of him.  We would also bring his tricycle out here and he'd tell us he was riding his motorcycle.

  3. @betheelou - You are way too fast.      I realized you had a date there so I edited it as soon as I sent it. 

  4. Sounds like you really had a great time!  The important thing is that you got to do it as a family with your kids!

  5. I just love California..especially, Northern California.  Only problem is I would be afraid of the earthquakes.  We experienced a tremor when we were visiting friends in Southern CA.  At least here in FL, if we have a hurricane, we are warned about it

  6. Too funny!  Look at you--you sure do enjoy your motorcycles.  I'm remembering our fun trip to Chiniak!!! Ha HaWish you were here in CA, too!   We're enjoying some much needed rain today--it's May 1st and we're getting rain.  People had told me the rain was done for now until the winter.  I'm hoping it will wash some of the pollen away.Oh, my friend (from high school) is in Knoxville.Have a wonderful weekend.  How was your baby time yesterday?

  7. @jessnboyz - Babytime was blissful!!  I held her, changed her pants, until we went to bed.  Probably about 6 hours!  Then I held her some more this morning before the trip to the airport!

  8. @Autumnlove413 - This is San Diego County, California.  Near the border to Mexico.  There was an airport just behind me.  We were watching parachuters jump out of airplanes and head to the airport.

  9. Oh cool, you're a dirt girl!!! I love doing anything that can get ya dirty!!! LOL Do you still get to ride?

  10. @jimsruby - We sold our bikes beofre we left Alaska.  We were not sure if there were any good riding spots here.  Turns out there are not many and everything is a long drive to get to.  We don't track ride, we trail ride.

  11. @betheelou - i bet that was a hard thing to do! But it is almost the same senario here. Even tho we live out in the country and in the mountains, so much property has been bought up that there isnt anywhere to do anything-even hunting, which is what I like to do, or even go 4-wheeling.

  12. @jimsruby - Maybe the next place we move will have better riding areas.

  13. Beth, that looks like a fun place to ride and I love the scenery in the picture of you.  Sully looks so cute!   I'm sure you miss your bikes.  How funny that we both posted riding pics for Flashback Friday.

  14. Hmmm...........maybe you ladies could start up a track on your properties or buy land and start it up? Might be a good way to meet others that are interested in the area. The countryside is so beautiful there! You look like you're having so much fun and your little one is so cute!

  15. @SealedbyGrace - I'd love to have enough property someday to be able to have a track!  I fear by then I'll be too old to do stuff like that!
